#2019 ford escape sel 4wd drivers
Knowing this, it might be best for other drivers to keep more than two car lengths between their vehicle and the Ford Escape in front of them. That means plenty of drivers are currently experiencing the on and off situation while driving in front of other people. Still, there are no recalls making sure everyone is aware of the problem. This incident requires the SUV receive an updated crankshaft position sensor that isn’t defective. In Service Bulletin #SSM 47937, the automaker discusses how an auto start/stop situation occurs that also exhibits DTC P164C. Why do I have to be stuck with this now?” Now I feel stuck with a unreliable brand new car and this just seems so unfair. If I want to trade it in I will never get what I should be able to get for the trade. I’m so upset that I bought a brand new car and now this.

They said coolant was leaking in the engine and I needed a new head gasket. The check engine light came on and the dealership said the codes were Misfires cylinder 1 and 2. Ford needs to issue a service bulletin and/or issue a recall asap since it would only take one other incident similar to this before someone is seriously injured or worse.”Ī user on stated the following regarding her engine reliability problems: “I bought a 2019 Ford Escape 6 months ago. Instantaneous loss of power without warning created a very serious and dangerous situation. So, the serpentine belt managed to clip this wiring harness which, in turn, pulled the harness from its socket while starting to gradually shred the serpentine belt. Turns out that part of the wiring harness had either loosened on its own or was never properly secured from the factory.

Luckily, my wife was able to coast to the nearest exit and pull off the road while traffic was whizzing by us at breakneck speed. “While driving a local interstate between 60 and 70 mph, our newly purchased (3,000 miles) 2019 Ford Escape SEL Sport completely shut down without warning in heavy traffic. One NHTSA user documents their experience with the 2019 Ford Escape. When problems arise, the drive down the street can become painful and cumbersome. When it’s running well, everything seems enjoyable. The engine of any vehicle is the main component that people rely on. It’s enough to cause an average person to have a mental breakdown. While these aren’t safety concerns, it isn’t enjoyable having a commute to work without access to high-tech features. Service Bulletin #SSM 48053 talks about the SYNC 3 system having problems with display operations, navigation and voice recognition. If I would have gotten into in an accident at the time the car was experiencing these problems would the safety restraint system work properly and deploy the applicable air bags? Would the auto fuel pump shutdown, do its job if needed? Also, what if the vehicle caught fire at this time and I could not shut off the car? Not Safe!!!”Īmong these issues, the automaker addresses several other electrical troubles. Even though the car operated properly after the symptoms commenced I find it doubtful that all of the car’s safety features would have operated as designed, if needed. The vehicle is equipped with a smart keyless start system, but no matter how many times I would try pushing the button. I quickly realized that I was in trouble, the engine would not shut off. I immediately tried to shut the engine off, figuring that if I completely shut the car down the system would somehow correct itself after a reboot of the PCM and BCM. Worried, I took the next available exit and found a parking lot to investigate. There was an error message on the main touch screen that said: Network Communication Failure. The gauge needles returned to their home positions. “While operating the vehicle at approximately 70 mph on the interstate, I noticed that all instrument panel lighting, gauge and display screens went out. One NHTSA reviewer shares the struggle with this vehicle. Between the interior comforts to the sophisticated engines, electronics are part of everything in the vehicle. In modern vehicles, the electrical system must be running at optimal levels for all the technology to work seamlessly.